

Regular Hours

  • Monday - Thursday10:00AM - 8:00PM
  • Friday - Saturday10:00AM - 9:00PM
  • Sunday11:00AM - 6:00PM


2023 12 21 snowshow top screen

The Incredible Indoor Snow Show!

The Incredible Indoor Snow Show returns to Destiny USA on Black Friday, November 24th. Sponsored by St. Joseph’s Health and CNY Central, Destiny USA will bring the magic of winter indoors with an enchanting snowfall in the Center Atrium every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday until Christmas Eve.  The Incredible Indoor Snow Show is free to the public and lets us uniquely celebrate the Holiday Season while remaining warm!


Shoppers and guests can join us at Destiny in the Center Atrium to experience the snowfall magic. Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from November 24th at 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm, December 24th Christmas Eve’s show will start at 4:00pm.


Each snow show will kick off with a 30-minute tribute to holiday movies and music, emanating from the large LED Display above the Center Atrium, immediately followed by seven minutes of the Incredible Indoor Snow Show.


The 2023 Incredible Indoor Snow Show marks the four-ever event at Destiny USA. The first snow show was held during the Christmas season in 2019.


2023 Snow Show Schedule:

Black Friday 11/24 5:00PM
Saturday 11/25 5:00PM
Sunday 11/26 5:00PM


Friday 12/1 5:00PM
Saturday 12/2 5:00PM
Sunday 12/3 5:00PM


Friday 12/8 5:00PM
Saturday 12/9 5:00PM
Sunday 12/9 5:00PM


Friday 12/15 5:00PM
Saturday 12/16 5:00PM
Sunday 12/17 5:00PM


Friday 12/22 5:00PM
Saturday 12/23 5:00PM
Christmas Eve 12/24 4:00PM


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