

Regular Hours

  • Monday - Thursday10:00AM - 8:00PM
  • Friday - Saturday10:00AM - 9:00PM
  • Sunday11:00AM - 6:00PM



Tykes Tuesday Returns! June 26 – August 28

Tykes Tuesday returns with a great lineup of fun events kids will love. Brought to you by Margaritaville, Tykes Tuesday events will be held in the Canyon from 12pm-2pm starting June 26 and running for 10 weeks ending on August 28. Tykes Tuesday runs in conjunction with the $1 Summer Movie Express at Regal Cinemas in Destiny USA. Learn more about $1 movies here.

What is Tykes Tuesday you ask? It is a day filled with fun activities for kids under the age of 12 to enjoy for FREE each Tuesday of the summer in the Canyon here at Destiny USA.

Below is a complete list of each Tykes Tuesday with a brief description of the activities:

  • June 26th: Dave and Buster’s Dinosaur Dance Party Day
  • July 3rd: Museum of Intrigue’s Escape the Heat Day
  • July 10th: Literacy Coalition of Onondaga County Summer Learning Day with Daniel Tiger
  • July 17th: Syracuse Chiefs Baseball Day at Destiny USA
  • July 24th: All-Star Alley & Tavern Tropical Summer Day
  • July 31st: Wizarding Day at Destiny USA
  • August 7th: Share the Road/Upstate Helmet Event Day
  • August 14th: WonderWorks STEAM (Science/Technology/Engineering/Arts/Math) Day
  • August 21st: Syracuse University Day Rally with Otto
  • August 28th: The Apple Store’s Summer Tech DayAdditionally, a number of retailers, restaurants, and entertainment venues will be providing exclusive discounts for families who attend Tykes Tuesday. Flyers with these exclusive discounts will be circulated at the weekly programs.