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Destiny USA Announces Make-A-Wish CNY as Charity Partner of the Mom-Approved Tykes Tuesday Program

Published: 07/27/2023

— Destiny USA Teams Up with Make-A-Wish CNY to Raise Funds that Will Help Grant Life-Changing Wishes for Children in Central New York —
2023 07 25 Tykes Tuesday Emailer APEX
Syracuse, NY (July 27, 2023) – Destiny USA is proud to announce Make-A-Wish CNY as the charity partner for the ‘mom-approved’ program, Tykes Tuesday. The free children’s event takes place on Tuesdays from 12pm until 2pm in the Canyon. Each week with a different theme, the program offers a fun-filled afternoon for children ages 12 and under.  Make-A-Wish CNY will be joining the event series starting August 1st, raising funds to support the organization’s mission of granting life-changing wishes to children in Central New York.

“We are grateful to partner with Destiny USA for this summer’s Tykes Tuesday events. It’s exciting to see retailers, restaurants, and entertainment venues working together to support this family-focused event. When people see the joy on the kids’ faces at the Tykes Tuesday events, we hope they will be inspired to help create that same joy for critically ill kids by making a donation of any amount to Make-A-Wish Central New York,” said Diane Kuppermann, President & CEO. “These donations will lend support to 180 kids throughout our 15-county region who are awaiting the hope and joy of their own unique wish,” concluded Kuppermann.

“We are thrilled to have Make-A-Wish Central New York join us as the charity partner of Tykes Tuesday. Destiny USA has always been committed to giving back to the community,” said Alannah Gallagher, Director of Marketing at Destiny USA. “Partnering Make-A-Wish CNY with Destiny USA’s mom-approved free kid’s event gives our guests the opportunity to contribute to this noble cause.”

The Tykes Tuesday 2023 summer schedule is as follows:
8/1 – Apex Day (at Apex)
8/8 – Syracuse University Day
8/15 – Museum of Intrigue Day (At Museum of Intrigue – Registration Required)
8/22 – Syracuse Crunch Day
9/5 – Get Air Day (at Get Air)

Families attending Tykes Tuesday can now contribute to a meaningful cause while enjoying a day of fun and excitement. Destiny USA encourages everyone to participate and help support the invaluable work of Make-A-Wish Central New York. For more information on Tykes Tuesday 2023, Make-A-Wish CNY, and Destiny USA, please visit destinyusa.com.
