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  • Monday - Thursday10:00AM - 8:00PM
  • Friday - Saturday10:00AM - 9:00PM
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Parental Escort Policy Reminder

Published: 06/03/2021

Parental Escort Policy Reminder

Syracuse, NY – As families start making summer plans and schools prepare to close for the summer, Destiny USA reminds parents that the enhanced Parental Escort Policy (PEP) is still in place and will be enforced.

In February, Destiny USA and the Syracuse Police Department announced key changes to the center’s long-standing PEP. The enhanced PEP mandates that all guests aged 17 years and under, must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian (aged 21 years or older) when visiting during all operational hours, every day of the week. The enhanced policy also provides the Syracuse Police Department with greater authority to arrest and hold juvenile offenders accountable for violations of the center’s Rules of Conduct.

In addition, Regal has also updated its parental escort policy with the re-opening of its cinemas at Destiny USA. Starting Friday, June 4th, anyone 17 and under will be required to be accompanied by an adult after 6:00 p.m., every day of the week.

“Our efforts with this policy to ensure all guests have a safe and enjoyable experience have been embraced by our tenants and guests,” said Rob Schoeneck, Destiny USA General Manager. “We’re incredibly thankful for the tireless efforts by our security team, community partners and local law enforcement agencies that make Destiny USA a year-round family-friendly destination.”

As New York State’s largest shopping center and the premier dining and entertainment destination for the Central New York region, Destiny USA attracts roughly 26 million visitors every year. While the overwhelming majority of visitors act responsibly, a very small percentage are responsible for isolated disruptions.

The Destiny USA PEP was first implemented in 2003 as part of the center’s comprehensive safety protocols. In addition to its PEP enhancements, Destiny USA created additional space on its fifth floor to be used by the Syracuse Police Department’s on-site officers, which provide the officers with a more expansive, functional work area.

For more information about Destiny USA’s safety guidelines, including PEP, click here.