

Regular Hours

  • Monday - Thursday10:00AM - 8:00PM
  • Friday - Saturday10:00AM - 9:00PM
  • Sunday11:00AM - 6:00PM


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Tykes Tuesday Is Back!

Tykes Tuesday is back for another summer at Destiny USA with a great lineup of events that kids (and parents) will love! Tykes Tuesday events will be held in the Canyon from 12pm-2pm, July 20th through August 10th.


Tykes Tuesday runs in conjunction with the $1 Summer Movie Express at Regal. Click here to purchase tickets for Regal’s Summer Movie Express.


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So what exactly is Tykes Tuesday? It’s an afternoon filled with fun FREE activities on Tuesdays during the summer for kids under the age of 12 to enjoy right here at Destiny USA!


Below is a complete list of each Tykes Tuesday happening this summer:

  • July 20th: Apex Entertainment Ultimate Birthday Bash
  • July 27th: Little Ray’s Nature Centre Explorer Day
  • August 3rd: Syracuse Crunch
  • August 18th: Syracuse University Rally


Additionally, a number of retailers, restaurants, and entertainment venues will provide exclusive discounts for families who attend Tykes Tuesday. These exclusive discounts will be circulated at the weekly programs.

Hand sanitizing stations will be set up and masks will be available upon request.